Hey hey, so I know I'm super late but these last two days have been sooooo hectic. I spent Saturday moving and getting things together and Sunday I was running around. Also, my mommy is in town so I was so busy spending time with her. But never the less, let's jump into it. My day three started off well, then mid-day I began to crave just about everything from Oreo's to Wendy's chicken nuggets. I was also very stressed and normally when I'm stressed I eat. Besides that my day I had to pray a lot because the devil was busy working. For whatever reason things kept going wrong, and it was just too hot. Am I the only one who stays inside when it's extremely hot outside? Well normally I do but I couldn't on day three because I had to get things together. Can you imagine moving big boxes and totes in 92 degree weather with no breeze, with just my mother and I? Exactly! The heat instantly makes me angry lol. Then on top of that, my car wouldn't cut on and I had to get a jump start. Without quiet prayers throughout the day, I don't know how I would have made it thru.
Day four was actually one of my best days. I woke up early and took my car to get a new battery, and still finished in time to make it to church. I was actually excited to show my mommy my church here. I also had some running around to do so I wasn't having ma y cravings. Small tip for those of you who are on the go and gave up fast food, my go to snack is a water and some fruit, sometimes I get almonds too. As far as my self reflecting goes, my day three and four both were very eye opening. Sometimes as humans we get a bug head, and forget that it is people who are less fortunate. This was a very humbling and bringing to reality couple of days.
Heres my two tasks for those of you who are detoxing as well. First thing first detox your body physically. Go the next 24hours drinking nothing but water. This will rid your body and cleanse it. It helps acne and if you add lemon it will help the flow of waste out of your body. As you all know, I gave up everything but water and I can't tell yall how great my body feels. If you love juice and pop like I do this may start off really hard but it'll be worth it. My second task for you is to start your morning by sending five people in your contact list a good morning message. It can be short or long completely up to you. I've found that it may change the entire of their day and yours. Try it!
For those of you who are fasting, like I said in my last post, there are four things you need to do in order to receive this breakthrough. Paul tells us how to in Philippians 4:6-8.
"6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
We already broke down the first habit which was don't worry. The second habit you need to do before you receive this breakthrough is PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING. There's nothing too big or small to pray about. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." This goes along with don't worry. Anything you worry about just pray and let God carry your worries. So many times, I used to think that's too small to pray to God about, but then I started reading my bible and learned that no prayer is too small. So try this throughout the day any problem you have anything good that happens just pray. The third trait that you need to have in order to receive this breakthrough is THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING! Imagine having a friend that keeps asking you for things but never thanks you and appreciate everything that you've already done. The scripture says "in everything give thanks." The word IN means so much, God is bigger than any situation he can change a situation. He transforms the bad things in our life and uses them for good, so whatever situation you're going thru good or bad thank God thru it. Instead of praying "why me" ask God "What do you want me to learn." When I learn I become more like Christ and that's a great thing.
Once again I'm so sorry for being so late on these posts. Day five will be posted tonight before midnight. Also, I want to thank those of you who have been reaching out to me and telling me your fasting stories. This fast and detox is helping so many people and cleansing them before the school year. I can't wait to go back with a complete mind that is cleansed with toxics that used in my life. If you have any questions keep emailing and DM'ing me I love hearing from you all.