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Day Two Of The Six Day Fast & Detox

dymond phillips • August 11, 2017


Hey everybody, the hardest day is over. To me, the first day is normally my worse day when fasting. Being that it's day two your body kind of knows what to expect. I want to make sure that those of you who are religious are replacing that time that you normally did what you let go of, are praying instead. Not only praying but are reading your bible as well. Fasting is more of just letting go of something. This is the time you get closer to God and self reflect. My day two was pretty well. I spent most of it in the house so far drinking water and praying. I've even been watching these sermons on the power of fasting that I've found on Youtube. 
For those of you who are detoxing, make sure you are being active. I find that walking around the neighborhood or park can be very self healing. You can actually self reflect and look at different areas of your life. Here's your day two activity. Right now we are cleansing our bubble. When I say your bubble I mean your friendships, relationships, social media and yes your contact list. The things that you do daily are also in your bubble. First I want you start with your contact list, really go through it. Delete anyones number who you haven't talked to within the last year. Delete anybody who has a negative influence on you. Delete that ex number who you may be still holding on to. By detoxing your contact list you limit the negativity around you, you are letting go of the past.
If you're trying to move forward you have to leave some stuff behind. You can't get new blessings if you can't let go of some things. Next, I want you to look at your circle of friends, and you significant other. Do they make you better? Does anyone weigh you down? If they do let them go. Everyone loves social media, so thats next. Go through your social media, well the people you follow. Do the people on there have a negative or positive influence on you. It's time to let go of "Negative Nancy's." By you doing this exercise, you'll only have things in your bubble that make you better and that have a positive influence on you. This is essential if you want to have a great school year, well a great life in general. 
For those of you who are religious and fasting, there are four things you need to do to do in order to get receive this breakthrough. Paul tells us how to in Philippians 4:6-8. During the next four days I am going to break down each of them. 
"6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
That passage gives us the four habits that will give us the breakthrough. They're simple but not that easy to do. The first thing is don't worry about anything, don't freight, don't fear, don't have any anxiety. It's in our human nature to worry. But all throughout the bible God is telling us not to worry. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." So stop worrying and stressing the future. The reason why we mess up today is because we spend most of our energy regretting the past and worrying/fearing about the future. Worrying is focusing on my fears instead of God. Whatever is for you is going to be for you!
In order to break this worry you are going to switch your focus onto something else. That's what this fast is for, focus on God and prayer. In Daniel 9:3 he says, "Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes." First things first, write down a list of things yo normally worry about the most. Next, tear that list up into very tiny pieces. Here's my challenge for you, change your focus! Once you change your focus, you will stop worrying. Well that's all I have for you today. Stay focused. 
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