Hey hey I thought it would be nice for me to combine my last two days. So let me start by saying how my day five was. Well my day five started out as my worse day. My mom left and I was so sad that I found myself craving Starbucks and junk food. I had go into deep prayer at like 6am because I saw a pattern. I learned that I attach junk food to when things don't go right or when I'm sad. After I prayed I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I was fine. I had to have a me day instead of being sad about my mom. I got my nails done got some stuff for my new place and went out to eat. I was focusing on positives then the negatives. I also had to do a lot of prayer because I found myself becoming a little ungrateful. I think sometimes we see all the bad in our life but don't realize how great we actually have it. When I found myself mad/sad at everything that wasn't "perfect" in my life I stopped thanking God for everything that I do have. I'm very blessed but when things don't go how I want them to go, I allow my entire mood to be changed. I had to stop thinking about me and start focusing on thanking God on everything that he's ever done for. I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves on all the bad that we don't thank God for the good.If you're like me I pray that God helps you catch yourself and turn that focus into praising him for the things he's done.
My day six was a very self reflecting day. Although I was moving things and unpacking I kept thinking about last semester. Like I told y'all, last semester was my worst yet; academically and mentally. I just was going through so much last year, so many emotions, and not really focused in school. My prayer was always asking God to help me forget last year. But on day six that prayer changed. I don't want to forget last year completely, I also had some great times. Overrall, last semester taught me soooo many lessons about myself and about where I never want to find myself again. So I got a new prayer, no longer did I want to forget last year I wanted God to help me see what caused me to get to that point and help me never go down that road again. I prayed that God removes those habits that caused me to have such a negative outcome. On top of that, I had to cleanse more of my bubble. I had to go thru my phone completely and get rid of all toxins. Whether that was changing people names, deleting more contacts, going through old pictures, going thru things I follow. I had get rid of some baggage that was helping me back. I know where I want to go and if it's not helping me get there I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT! I also, had to go through my clothes, my shoes, my stuff. Anything that was hindering me from getting better. I know who I want to be and I know that girl can't wear or have some things that I had.
Now for those of you who were detoxing as well here's my new task for you. Write down your old habits, ways, traits, things you used to do. The things that led you to failure. Now, when I say failure i don't mean the literal term I mean led you to not meet the mark. The things that didn't get you to where you wanted yourself to be at. This doesn't have to be just for academically. For example, I used to eat fast food at least once a day so I didn't reach my flat stomach fitness goal. An academic example is, I didn't study as much as I should have so I ended with a C. Every effect has a cause. Normally, it's a list of causes that lead you to failure. Sidebar, let me just say failure isn't bad. Failures are apart of life, if you don't fail you don't learn; if you don't learn you'll never change. Back to the point write down this list, on paper or in your notes. Keep this list and if anytime throughout this new season of your life you see yourself reverting back to old ways CATCH IT EARLY. Break old habits. If you're religious pray that God removes those habits. Changing those habits will change the outcome. Changing the outcome means gaining success.
Now for those of you who are fasting. like I said in my last two posts, there are four things you need to do in order to receive this breakthrough. Paul tells us how to in Philippians 4:6-8.
"6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
We broke down the first three habits. First habit was don't worry about anything. Second habit was pray about everything. Third habit was thank God for everything in every situation. The fourth and final thing you need to do in order to receive this breakthrough. Whatever breakthrough you need whether it is a financial breakthrough, relationship breakthrough, school breakthrough or even just a breakthrough with God. Here's the final thing you need to do. STAY FOCUS ON TRUE THINGS. This is a mental change. You hear things everyday that hold you back that aren't true. The lies that hold you back that say you're not good enough, you'll never make it, you're ugly, etc. Don't feel your mind with that. Fill your mind with TRUE THINGS. Fill your mind with thoughts that are excellent and worthy of praise. What's true things? Not what you see on tv. Not what you hear on the radio. It's what is in the bible. It's the love of God. It's positive thoughts. Jesus said when you know the truth it'll set you free. To be set free means a breakthrough. You have to start reading your bibles!!! That's the only way to get this truth.
Job 11:13-19 says “If you prepare your heart, you will stretch out your hands toward him.14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, and let not injustice dwell in your tents.15 Surely then you will lift up your face without blemish; you will be secure and will not fear.16 You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away.17 And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning.18 And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.19 You will lie down, and none will make you afraid; many will court your favor." That's the reason why we fast and pray. That is a promise from God. If you pray to him stretch out your hands in prayer, give up all secret sins (Fasting). You will be confident and fearless. That's great for this school year. You just have to do it Gods way. That scripture also says, your troubles will go away. You'll feel safe and secure and you'll sleep without fear. That's some good stuff.
We only have about thirty minutes left in fast and detox. End it with prayer and reading. Self reflect as much as can before your new chapter. Thank God for your past and future. Feel cleansed. Commit to prayer throughout the day even after the fast. Implement something from the fasts and detox into your everyday life. Don't just go back to toxics like before. There will be one more post on this fast and detox coming a little later. Finish strong don't cheat God or yourself.
Until later....