I wasn't going to share this, but I thought why not share my story. Last Friday, I walked out of my job with no idea what I was going to do. I have a love-hate relationship with retail management. Although I love the fashion side of it, some of the logistics get on my nerves. I had no intentions on quitting my job, and the only reason why I did, was because I felt disrespected. It’s 2021 and employers need to understand that people are quitting their job at a higher rate. I know you see all the hiring signs around you, people are learning their worth and not staying at jobs, just for the sake of a check. Times are different, job loyalty is not as high as it once was. If you are unhappy or undervalued, find a job where you are. And when someone wants to silence your voice, grab a microphone and scream it from the rooftops. Don’t let fear or complacency keep you in a situation that is not serving you. No I’m not saying do what I did and just quit. Figure out an exit strategy so that you are not missing out on finances. Understand that all jobs will have their issues, but make a list of non-negotiable's for the work place. There are millions of opportunities out there for you.
I’m so grateful that since I’ve quit my job, I haven’t missed out on any money. I'm blessed to still be in a place to still pay my bills. I say all this to say, never sacrifice your respect, morals, or integrity for a job. Don't allow money to compromise who you are. Knowing your value and worth especially at a job is important.
Thank you for watching.