Over the weekend, I went back home to my hometown, Buffalo New York. I was there for a baby shower. The baby shower was for a friend who I met back when I was twelve or thirteen years old. At first, I was a little reserved about going, but I’m glad I did. I got to see friends from my childhood, who I haven’t seen in years. On top of that, I got to go back and visit places from when I was a kid. I saw my childhood home, and it always does something to me going back to where I’m from. Not all he doesn’t humble me, but it reminds me of the little girl who I once was. The little girl who had such big hopes and dreams and who was so fearless. Being a kid is amazing, you don’t have to deal with the doubts and fears that come with adulthood.
Being home was very nostalgic for me. I lived in my childhood house for 16 years. So when I go back and think about 60 year old me, I just member how much I’ve grown. Growth is definitely a part of life, but you want to remain true to the kid in you. When I was younger I didn’t focus on how things were going to happen, I just knew they would. I’m so happy my mom gave me the freedom to dream, with the sky being the limit. I think about me being in the childhood house and how my creativity was sore. I even had a colorful room with different color walls and a polkadot blanket. When I was a kid, I really let my creativity sore, but I didn’t care what anybody thought. Right now, I have so many influences on me. From social media, to peers, to even the naysayers, they’re all factors in my being. The goal is definitely always to evolve and grow, but while you’re doing that you have to honor the child in you. Never forget the child you once were. It is through them that you are now who you are. Maybe the dreams he was had, are now different, but there are some things you can learn from the younger version of yourself. For me, it is that anything is possible no matter what anyone says.
Spend some time remembering the younger you. Although you’ve grown, there’s still some things you can learn from them. When you’re a child, you’re a free spirit with no worries. It’s so important to keep your inner child alive. According to Kemmy D, “You lose your inner child at the point when you think that you do not need it anymore. You lose it when you succumb to the pressures of society, when you get a little too conscious, and when you think that others might begin to laugh at you.” Growing up should also mean leaving a small corner in your heart for the child you.
It's the holiday season and I have so many holiday habits and traditions that make me think of my childhood. I love watching the old ABC Family, Freeform 25 Days Of Christmas. That's something I've been doing since I was little girl. Figure out what nostalgic things you can do to remember the younger you.