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Stop Operating Out Of Insanity!

dymond phillips • May 3, 2021

If you don't like the return on your life, change your investment! 

Wow, it's the first Monday in May. It's crazy how fast 2021 seems to be going. I can't believe April is over, and May is here. For some reason, May always seems to fly by. At the start of a new month, I love to reflect on the previous month. Yesterday, I was doing my end of month check in, where I review what worked and what didn't. As I was doing that, I saw some goals that had got pushed from March to April to now May. I touched on this a little in the Anyone Can Start, But Few Can Finish blog post, but today I want to talk about changing your investment. 

Nothing comes from nothing. If you want to lose weight, you work out. If you want to wake up earlier, you go to sleep earlier. We all know, you get out of life what you put in it. Why not change your investment if you don’t like the return you’re getting now? What I mean by that is, if you feel like you should be further in life, and you want more, it’s time to do things differently. I can’t go day to day doing the same thing, and mad that I'm getting the same outcome.

In March, I decided I wanted to workout consistently. Starting out, I wouldn’t prep at all to do so. I would go to sleep late, not pick out my clothes, not set an alarm, in hopes that my body would just wake up. On the next day, when I would wake up late and miss my workout, I would be frustrated and mad at myself for not working out. That cycle went on for two weeks. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Why was I continuing the cycle and thinking that the outcome would change? It wasn’t until I changed my approach to working out that I really started working out. 

As I was doing my end of month check in, I realized I didn’t like the results I was getting. That means it’s time to switch the approach. As humans, we are wired to operate with routines. Even the most spontaneous among us stick to a lot of routines and habits in life. For us, it's challenging to try different approaches to the problems in our life. So when you’re making a new approach, you need to build it into your routine in daily habits. The things you did yesterday, got you to where you are today. So if you want a better tomorrow, you need to switch what you’re doing today.

It’s time to reinvent yourself. It’s time to break the cycle of insanity. Stop saying I should be here and doing this, when you aren’t doing the work necessary to get you there. Confucius said, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” The goal isn’t the problem, the things you’re doing to get me there are. Just take a step back, and come up with a better plan to reach the goals you set. Create a different morning routine. Switch up the habits you do every day that are not getting you closer to the goal. 

It’s time to go for the go. Think about the person you want to be a year from now, and create daily habits that will get you there. Success is in your routine. It’s already May. Don’t wait until December to realize you wasted a year in insanity! 
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