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Careful Not To Be Ungrateful

dymond phillips • April 29, 2021

You Might Be The One Blocking Your Blessings

Yesterday, after work, I was counting money and on the phone with my friend, Zana. After I was done, I said, "That's it?'' Instantly, I caught myself. How dare I disrespect God, by slapping him in the face after he blessed me. I was acting like an ingrate. First of all, I asked God to make $100, and he blessed me with $140. Secondly, he didn’t have to give me anything. Third, that’s more than I had when I woke up in the morning. MOST IMPORTANTLY, HE DIDN'T HAVE TO GIVE ME A DIME! I had to quickly repent and apologize for my inappreciativeness. My friend even checked me. I love how my friends push me, and hold me accountable. She told me I was acting like a spoiled brat, and how everything God gives is a blessing. 

To be honest, God doesn’t have to do anything, I don’t deserve it. I’m not the best Christian, I sin daily. It’s not because I’m so cute, it’s all because of God’s mercy that I have any and everything. This morning as I was praying, it was still on my heart. I did some reflecting, and had an epiphany. If I show ungratefulness with money, what other areas of my life have I been ungrateful? Our tongues hold so much power, we speak life and death. I was standing in the way of my blessings. If I don’t appreciate the things I have now, why would God bless me with more? 

I want to operate out of a place of gratefulness, in all areas of my life. Each day is a blessing. Everything God has blessed me with is a gift. I had to think, how would I feel if I gave someone a gift, and they turned around and said, “That’s it!” I would never gift that person again. I’m so thankful God is patient and gives us grace. Be grateful for every second of the day. Be careful what you say and think, your ungratefulness may be the thing standing in the way of your blessings. God loves a grateful heart.  

As I was reflecting, God revealed these things to me: If you’re wondering why you’re questioning your new prayers, go back and review your old ones. How can you be blessed with new things when you don’t appreciate your old/current things. Be grateful for where you are right now, you’re further than you were. I prayed for where I am. I can remember being in college begging God to help me finish, he did that! I have to check myself sometimes. It's easy to get caught up in wanting new things, that you forget all that you currently have. I'm thankful God always grabs me, when I get beside myself. 

What are three things you're grateful for now? 
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