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Seventh Annual End Of Summer Fast & Detox

dymond phillips • September 17, 2023

It's Time To Get Aligned

It’s my favorite time of year, time for our 7th Annual Fast & Detox. Year SEVEN is very special to me. I spent a lot of time, praying and surrendering to God, because I wanted to make sure that I did this right. This fast is not for me, but it is for you. There’s so many blessings that God has for you in this next season, not just literally, but in order to get there, you have to get uncomfortable. The point of this fast and detox, is to align yourself with him. I don’t know if you need breakthroughs, clarity, deliverance, shifts, or even to be renewed; whatever it is that you are asking God for, believe that he is giving it to you. What he has for you in this next season is already yours, it’s already done. This fast and detox is just to show him that you believe him, and that you are willing to sacrifice. Pastor TD Jakes once said, “Fasting is important because it brings us into alignment with what God is already purposed to do. When I fast, I’m saying make me able to receive everything that God has for me in this moment.” If you are new here, and have no idea what I’m talking about. Every year, at the end of summer we do a fast and detox to prepare ourselves for the new season. I started this back in 2017, when I was a college student, and it was called Fasting For 4.0s. As I’ve gotten older, I learned that preparing your mind, body and soul, for a new season is not just for students, but crucial for adults. 

So many of us lose ourselves during the summer, not literally. We lose track of the goals we had, and begin to live for the moment. Maybe I’m the only one, but it’s something about the summer that can be a distraction. It’s time to align our minds and get centered in him. Each year this fast gets better and better. If I’m honest, I went back-and-forth with when to do the fast this year. I prayed and meditated on it, and came up with September. I spent the weekend at Women Evolve 23, and I strategically wanted to place the fast right after. I knew I would walk out, leaving different than going in, and I wanted to make sure I put my best foot forward with this. It’s time to be still and silence the noise of the word,  to connect with our creator. I don’t know about you, but I have been asking and trusting God for BIG blessings in this next season. I know he’s going to do it, and doing this fast is going to prepare me to be ready to receive them. Anybody can join this fast, all you have to do is come up with a list of three things to give up. The key here, is not only give up and stop doing these things, but you have to replace the time you would do those, with time with him. You don’t want the stress, struggles, fears, confusions, people, or things that held you down all year, to follow you into this next season. Make sure you think of a good list of things you do daily and that take up most of your time and energy to give up. You want to give up things of value, to focus on bettering yourself, and getting closer to God. Don’t cheat yourself, and don’t cheat God. Only you know what that sacrifice looks like for you. Starting on Monday, September 18, at noon, I will be giving up TV, fast food, and alcohol. During those six days, I will be waking up earlier, mindful of the things I listen to, and complete the Sarah Jakes Robert’s identity in Christ course. I have been definitely on the move a lot more lately, this is the time for me to sit in the stillness of Christ. 

For those of you, who are not religious, I have you covered too. This is not only a fast, but it’s also a detox. For six days, we are going to be cleansing our minds, bodies and spirits. Detoxing is essential to having a happy and prosperous life. Detoxing cleanses you mind and body to be aligned with your future life. This is a life detox. This is a time to meditate and hear your inner voice, get clear on your goals and to come up with a plan to have an amazing future. After the long nine months we just encountered, we need to get rid of all the things holding us back. This detox will also help jumpstart your discipline, which is essential for growth. 

Make sure you are subscribed to the blog, (down below) because every day from Monday to Sunday, I will send you a scripture, prayer, and an activity. This fast will be challenging, but if you take it seriously, it can change the trajectory of your next season. It starts Monday September 18th at noon and ends Sunday September 24th at noon. Are you ready? 

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