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Day One Of 7th Annual Fast & Detox: Identify Your Why

dymond phillips • September 19, 2023

Identify Your Why

We are officially a full day into our 2023 End Of Summer Fast and Detox. I want to thank all of you who have decided to join me in this special time. Though this is a time of sacrifice, it’s also a time of celebration. Mathew 6:16-18 says, ““Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” This means continue to keep your head held high during this time. Do not look like struggle. This scripture shares that if you’re fasting for others to see, it’s a disgrace to God. That’s exactly why we are going to start at the root today. It’s time to unpack your why.

Why are you fasting during this time? Do you need clarity? Do you need a financial breakthrough? Do you need to be renewed mentally? Do you need to deepen your relationship with God? Do you need answers? Do you need a shift? Do you need healing? Do you need restoration? Your why is so important, and it’s only for you. Only you know the desires of your heart, and what you need. It’s time to check your heart posture. Take some time to sit and write down your why for this fast. Write down what you need from God for this next season. God has already done his part, it’s time to look within and see what in you is holding you back from the next level. If I’m being transparent my anxiousness and doubt are two things in my way at this time, although there are many more. I heard a sermon recently where the pastor said, give it to God and he will transform it. So after you write this list, give it to him. For me, it’s not enough, but for him it’s more than enough. It’s so many stories in the Bible where God takes someones weakness and uses it for their good. Sarah Jakes Roberts preached a sermon about Grace and shared, “Grace is an exchange with God where he wants to partner with you. Give God your weakness, brokenness and bitterness and he will give you his grace. He will breathe on it and expand it.” CLICK HERE TO WATCH. In order to see what’s holding you back, you have to get clear on your why. I’m in a season where everything I do has to make sense. I’m no longer just doing things, just to do them, it has to be a reason behind it. It’s not enough to just know your why, you have to write it down. You can write it down on paper, or even digitally. For example, you could be fasting for a breakthrough. In this case, it could be your lack of confidence, holding you back from that next level. This is personal, only you know the areas where you lack, and the things that you need. Today, sit and pray on these things. Not only pray, but search his word to combat that weakness. When you find yourself struggling during this time, refine on the why and it’ll push you.

Prayer: Lord help me be a true believer. Make me better. Help me to have an encounter with you. I want to know you. Remove every idol in my life that’s blocking my relationship with you. Help me to see myself how you see me. Lord I give you my weakness. I lay every thing that’s standing in the way of you at your feet. Only you know what I need in this next season, make me ready to receive the blessings you have in store. 

For those of you who are detoxing, it’s time to get clear on who you want to become in this next season. Learn them inside and out; their daily schedule, how they interact with other people, what do they think about, how do they show up? Once you identify who the person is you want to become, you can see the disconnect from the person you are today. Write down three things that need to change within you. Maybe it’s your lack of discipline, maybe it’s your laziness, whatever the three things are, write them down. Next, find a new habit to fix that area. For example, maybe you have a problem of not having enough time, the new habit could be waking up an hour earlier. Each thing needs a new habit to change the behavior. Write this list somewhere you can reference each day. 

One day down, five more to go! 

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