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Life Is All About Seasons: Understanding Yours

dymond phillips • September 14, 2021

It's That Time Again

Seasons are important. In school they teach us the four seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. They're important because it teaches us change. They have an influence on what we wear, what we eat and what we do in our free time. They also affect the mood we are in. In ancient civilizations people observed that the sun was at different places during different times of the year. Knowing and understanding the seasons is very important. It’s just as important to know and understand the seasons of life. There are seasons of business, seasons of success and so much more. Don’t expect to be reaping the same season you’re supposed to be sowing. You can’t compare your season to the person next to you. Mattie James once said the four seasons of success are the homework season, hustle season, habit season and happen season. Stephanie Pollock said, "The four seasons of business are creation, growth, harvest and rest.'' Only you can know what season of life you’re in.

It’s important to know what season you’re in. I sometimes miss college, not because of the work, but because of the summer breaks when I would really have more free time to blog. I understand that was a season of my life, and the season I’m currently in makes me have to work harder to find free time. Rather than be upset, I give myself grace. Another example is when I have to go to my second job. I don’t always feel like going, but I remember that this is just a season. It’s ok to be anxious for your next season, but you must find joy in the season you’re in. Life is going to look different depending on your season. Personally, I want to be just blogging full time, traveling all over the world. Yet, I can’t right now because I’m not in that season. Mattie James said, “It’s important to honor what season you’re in. Don’t miss out on great opportunities, within certain seasons in your life, because you’re so busy wishing it was another season. If it’s winter and you’re complaining about how it’s not summer, you miss out on all the wonderful things that happen in the winter.” Learn to maximize each season you're in.

I know in certain seasons of life, it’s easy to get discouraged and forget all the things you want. It’s easy to give up, and feel like it’s not working. I'm here to tell you, everything is working together. As long as you continue to push every day, you are working towards the goals you set. Remember to extend grace to yourself, because you have to learn the rhythms of the season you're in. Maybe your old routine, won’t fit your new season. That doesn’t mean you should get rid of the routine, you should tweak it to fit your new season. When I went back to work full-time, I didn’t want to lose my morning routine I set during the pandemic. Rather than try to make it work, I created another one that fit my current season. Maybe you’re like me and want to workout daily, but you can’t after work because you get off too late. Rather than give up on fitness, try working out from home, or maybe going to the gym in the mornings. That’s the good and bad thing with seasons,they all come to an end. Seasons always change. 

As we come to the end of a summer season, it’s time for clarity and breakthroughs. It’s time for my 5th Annual End Of Summer, fast and detox. It’s time to cleanse our mind, body and spirits as we enter a new season. Although, I’m sad summer is ending, I’m happy fall is coming. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday 9/15, at noon for a week, we will be fasting and detoxing. Anyone can join this detox, all you have to do is come up with a list of three things you want to give up. You don’t want the stress, struggles, fears, confusions, people, or things that held you down in the summer, to follow you into the fall. Make sure you think of a good list of things you do daily and that take up most of your time and energy to give up. Don’t cheat yourself, you want to give up things of value, to focus on bettering yourself, and getting closer to God. This is not only a fast for my spiritual readers, this is a detox for my non-religious people too. Detoxing is essential to having a happy and prosperous life. Detoxing cleanses you mind and body to be align with your life. This is a life detox. This is a time to meditate and hear you inner voice, get clear on your goals and to come up with a plan to have an amazing future. We are cleansing our mind, body and spirits. After the long nine months we just encountered, we need to get rid of all the things holding us back. This detox will also help jumpstart your discipline, which is essential for growth.  

Starting tomorrow, at noon, until September 22nd at noon,  I'll be giving up coffee, TV, (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and Youtube included.) and fast food. During this fast and detox, I will share daily activities that will help you clear out your life, and get ready for the blessings coming. This is a time for silence, to meditate on hearing God and your inner voice. For the next seven days, I will be keeping you updated on scriptures to read each day and different prayers. I'll also be sharing posts daily via Instagram make sure you're following me. (@Dymond_lashay) I'm super excited because, this fast and detox changes my life every year. Thank you to everybody who is participating. If you're interesting, just make a list of three things and really stick to it. I will be talking to you tomorrow, remember to remain disciplined. Lets make it happen. Remember you can't level up, if you aren't willing to do the work! After all the blessings God has given you, are you willing to sacrifice things you love for him?  Looking forward to another year of breakthroughs! 
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