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3 Tips For Becoming The Person Of Your Dreams

dymond phillips • August 10, 2021

Self work is a ongoing journey!

Leveling up the person you are, is a very hot topic right now. So many people, especially on social media, are talking about creating the person you want to be. It’s many quotes and memes that are encouraging people to become the person of their dreams. I love seeing all the self work help, but before you can truly become the person of your dreams, some things must happen. Always remember, you have the power to change who you are. If you don’t like who you are currently, don’t just settle, do the work to change it. I have become infatuated with becoming the woman I want to be. It wasn’t until I did these three things that I started seeing a shift. It takes a conscious daily effort to build the person you want to be. Developing the person you want to be, takes focus and clarity. With these three steps, you can make it happen. 

1. Get Clear On The Person You Want To Be AND Why
This step is important. You have to discover who you want to be on your own. With this step, you must log off social media and look at the plans for your life. Who do you want to be, not appearance and materialistically. Why you want to be this person is key. When discovering the person you want to be, you need to think of things like: What will he/she represent, when people encounter him/her how does it make them feel, what are her/his values, how does she/he live. It’s so many questions you have to ask yourself when working on self development. Start by looking at what type of life you want to live, and what you want out of life. I say to get off social media for this part, because it’s easy to want what you see. It’s easy to think you want this lavish life because you see the next person doing it. Try not to get caught up in the materialistic things. Really get clear on why you want to live this life and why you want to be this person. 

2. Get Clear On Where You Are
After I sat down and discovered the kind of woman I wanted to be, I then looked at the woman I currently was. I pulled out my journal and started to look at myself objectively. Self awareness is really just about being aware and confident in who you are. I asked close friends to describe me. I wanted to know the good things and even the bad things. I started looking deeper into my feelings. I wanted to know my triggers, and why I reacted to situations like I do. I journaled my habits, good and bad. I wrote out my beliefs and values. I started doing daily self reflections and meditating. I wanted to be clear on who I was inside and out. Being self aware is a skill that anyone can learn, with just a little work. "When you lack self-awareness, you fail to identify what you're feeling and how it manifests itself in your daily actions. You fail to see the patterns in your behaviors and thinking. As a result, you tend to experience more negative emotions because you don't know how to better align your choices with what you want.” 

3. Get Clear On What’s Stopping You 
Once I became more aware, I was able to compare that to who I wanted to be, and see the gap. Maybe the person you want to be values her relationships, but you currently are a bad friend. What things can you do to change that? What new habits can you start implementing to replace the old ones. Maybe you need to declutter your house to get clarity. If you’re able to, connect with a therapist. Journal and add affirmations to help you believe you can become the person you want to be. Start doing the things the person you want to be does. Say no to anything that doesn’t align with the lifestyle you’re creating. This step is all about getting clear on what's the hurdles holding you back from being that person. Remember you become what you surround and feed yourself mentally and physically. 

Self development is an ongoing thing. You should never stop being self aware and elevating. Everybody’s journey looks different and one is not better than another. Once you discover the person you want to be, your goals and plans will fall into place. It's a journey and you will need to extend grace to yourself along the way.
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