Today, I want to share a scripture with you. Ephesians 3:16 says, "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man." What Paul is saying is we ultimately pull strength by what we glorify and if we glorify our God he will be our ultimate source of strength. Isn't it funny how in life if we want to strengthen our beings we turn to other things. For example if we want to strengthen our body, we go to the gym and eat right or when we want to strengthen our mind we read books and watch videos on the subject. How many of us actually try to strengthen our inner man(woman)? We do that by what we glorify. You can tell what a person worships by what they glorify and what they bring glory to. You can also tell what a person worships by what they're willing to sacrifice for. A few ago I put a poll on Instagram asking what are you willing to sacrifice for success; many people answered, whatever it takes. If you want to lose want you'll sacrifice time for the gym and sacrifice money to buy healthier foods. That takes a lot of time and energy.
How are you glorifying and prioritizing God in your life? Mathew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This means we need to put him first in our day, in our priorities in our overall life. The key to having a life full of abundance is making God the center of your life. Lastly, Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." I don't know about you, but I want to strengthen that power out of my life, thats why I need to prioritize him in my life. He is able to do anything and everything beyond my wildest imagination. If I put my trust in him, the one who deserves all the glory it's amazing how he will strengthen me to endure thru life. That is the only way we can do what he has called us to do. My challenge for you is to make a list of six things you are thankful for tomorrow morning as soon as you wake up. Try to make this list every morning to start your day. That's the perfect way to start your day with gratitude and thankfulness.
For those of you who are not religious today I wanted to talk to you about happiness. Did you know that your attitude and outlook directly influence your happiness. When you change your attitude you change your world. I'm very optimistic when it comes to life and being optimistic is about choosing to focus on the positive. This is the most valuable way to live because by doing so you naturally feel much happier. Living in the moment and being able to see the bigger picture is easier said than done. Writing down positive affirmations is a great activity to see them power of your thoughts. My challenge to you is to write down three affirmations each morning, and at least three times out the day recite them to yourself. Each day you can try to create three new ones or even repeat the same three for a week at a time.
Make sure you write your positive affirmations in present tense and first person. Write them as if they are overreaching happiness goals and they have already been achieved. By doing it this way you are training yourself to believe in them by making them real and achievable. This is a great activity help you be more positive and overall happier.