Six days in, look at you go. We only have one more day left in the fast and detox. By now, you’re cravings should be gone. You are in the final stretch. We’ve already talked about identifying where you currently are, discovering where you want to go, positioning yourself for the prayer, decluttering your life, and getting back to your why. Today, I want to talk about being mindful of your thoughts, and your tongue.
I have spoken about this many of times, but the power of your tongue is real. You speak life and death into yourself daily. The people that you share your goals and dreams with, need to uplift you. Be careful who you share the secret things with. Sometimes, other people can put their fears onto you. It’s not that they don’t want you to succeed either, it’s just that they may be more realistic. They don’t understand the dream God put inside of you. What is meant for you, everybody will understand. Telling the wrong people your goals might discourage you.
That’s not the only thing that might be holding you back. What do you say to yourself? What are those subconscious thoughts that come through your mind? Your fears show up in the things that she say. So many lies cross our lips, “I’m not good enough. This isn’t worth it. I’ll never be successful. I can’t do anything right. Everything is going wrong.” The list goes on. It can also show up like this, “I got a C on my math test, maybe I’m just not good at math.” That may seem like a realistic reaction to a situation, but it’ll lead you to a fear based fantasy, “I’ll never be able to go to a good college.” Negative self talk is any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your own abilities, and to reach your potential. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so.
Many times, I talk myself out of blessings. I already knew that my tongue had power, but I forget just how much power that is. The Bible says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. The words you speak and thoughts you think shape your world. You can't believe this is true for positive things and not true for negative things. What we declare, no matter good or bad, is what can come to pass. There's so many scriptures on the power of the tongue. You have to learn how to hold your tongue because, you may be the person holding yourself back. Faith and fear can not coexist. Are you constantly down playing yourself and accomplishments? Stop that. Be kind to yourself. You need to let go of any and all negative thoughts and images and bombard your subconscious mind with new thoughts and images that are positive. The problem with negative self talk is that we can start to believe it.
Today, I want you to be mindful of your thoughts and the things you say. When you hear a negative thought, ask yourself is this true. While you’re doing that, come back that negative thought with a truth. For example if I make a mistake at work and think, “You’re so dumb.” In the moment, I would stop and ask myself is this true. Of course the answer is no, and then I’ll fill it with a positive. “Nope you’re not dumb you’re a college graduate who made a mistake. People make mistakes it’s a part of life. Each mistake is a learning lesson, bet I won’t make it again. Let’s correct the error.” Being mindful of your thoughts is not easy. Talk to yourself like you’re your best friend. Remember those affirmations I had to write on the first day, go back to that list. Whenever you’re having a negative thought, pick one and say it’s yourself. I try to speak positive affirmations into myself throughout the day. If you don't know what to affirm, ask God to reveal them to you. Keep your affirmations somewhere you can visibly see throughout the day. When life gets hectic, I look at my affirmation and speak them out loud. Only one day left, you got this!