You did it. I’m proud of you. Look at you being a person who does what they said they’re going to do. You said you were going to stick to this fast and detox, and look at you go. I understand this has been a long week but I really hope you gained some things along the way. Maybe you discovered that you can get more done with less tv during the week. Maybe you’ve picked up a new hobby you didn’t know you liked doing. Maybe you added a new habit to your night time routine to prepare you for the day. Whatever it is, I pray you’re walking out better than you walked in. I pray you have a better prayer life, and deeper relationship with God. I pray you learned something new about yourself during this time.
I know today at noon, the fast will be over. And things will seem to be, back to normal. I want you remember how you feel in this moment. I want you to remember the joy that stillness brings. If life begins to get too out of hand, you don’t have to wait for next years fast and detox, you can silence the noise on your own. The gift of pausing is great. Taking time to stop, think, and breathe is sometimes crucial to staying sane. Practicing stillness won’t always be easy.
Here’s six steps to be still.
1. Schedule A Time. Maybe you’re like me, and you like to use your mornings to just be still, before the house wakes up. You might even like to schedule quiet time after a long day at work to be still.
2. Find A Place. I love going on the porch and listening to the noises. If the weather isn’t good, I’ll go near a window. When I’m on vacation, I like to go on the balcony for stillness. Figure out what place works best for you.
3. Set A Timer. Whether that’s five or fifteen minutes, setting a timer will keep you on track.
4. Relax Your Body. Make sure you’re sitting somewhere comfortable. I usually just sit in a chair with my eyes closed. Some people relax best in bath tubs too.
5. Relax Your Mind. This is the hardest part for me, because I always have so many tabs open. You have to force yourself to relax and not get distracted.
6. Be Present. During this time, you can’t be worried about the future or stressing over the past. Focus on right now.
I hope these tips help you. Try implementing silent time daily into your routine. Maybe you only have three minutes, that’s still ok. The time doesn’t matter, just make time do it. Just start. You need this in your life more than you know. Thank you so much for joining me for the fifth annual fast and detox. I know this next season of your life is going to be a season of clarity, breakthroughs, and increase.