Now this is a saying that people always told me but just this past Sunday did it dawn on me just exactly what it means. If you didn't know by now, I'm a Christian. On Sunday, my pastor spoke on the the topic, What Goes Around Comes Around. He spoke out of 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. I've read this chapter before but I always thought of it in a tithes and offerings (giving) kind of way. The Bible says,
"6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
Now, like I said I always looked at this text in a way of tithes/offerings in church, but this week my pastor took it a step further. He connected it to the saying, "You get out of life what you put in." Life is an investment you get out of it what you put in. You get back what you put out. If you don't like your return you need to fix your investment. When the pastor said this, I got me thinking. It all made sense! The reason why I wasn't getting the results I wanted was because I wasn't putting fourth all the work I could. The results i'm referring to are the ones from school, my business, and even some friendships. Wanting something, is never enough. Everyday, you can say, "I want a million dollars." Without putting fourth the work and effort to get it, you'll never obtain it. I can't expect disappointment Diary to be this huge lifestyle/travel blog if I don't put fourth the energy and work that it takes to get there. You have to change your investment. You can't give 75% into school and expect all A's. It doesn't work like that. If you continue to not give your all and expect success out of life, you'll always find yourself with disappointment. You reap what you sow.
Another major key that the pastor made was that God loves a cheerful giver. Don't give if you don't want to. Let's just imagine, you have a friend that said they'll give you $100 on Tuesday. Tuesday comes and they don't say anything, so when you bring it up they give it to you but act like they really don't want to. Is it just me, or do y'all feel like just keep it. Nobody wants anything from somebody who is only giving it to shut you up. Now this made me think of relationships. Nobody wants to be with somebody when they feel like they are forcing them to give 100%. I don't know about y'all, but I don't like "keeping somebody who doesn't want to be kept." Don't be with somebody who you don't want to be with and who you put up with just because y'all have history.
Lastly, don't get discouraged. If you've been putting in all this work and still haven't seen the outcome it isn't over. The pastor said, "You can't rush God." Your seed that you planted has a season. Trust God, and know that everything has is working together for your good. Even if you plant your seed now, it takes time to grow and prosper. Not every season is growing season, be patient and continue doing all that you are. No matter if that is you putting in work for your business, you working for that promotion or even you in school and working for that 4.0. If you are patient and doing all that God has asked of you, he will bless you and your seed will grow. Trust the process.
Overrall, this weeks sermon was well needed. I needed that extra push to give me my motivation for taking my brand to the next level. I also needed to hear this so that I can give my all once school comes around. It isn't enough to speak it into existence. Stop procrastinating and existence your dreams. If you say you want something put the work in and get it! God will bless you abundantly if you put fourth the effort into obtaining it. Lastly, give cheerfully. Be happy when you're doing something for others, if you don't want to DON'T DO IT! It's worse to give when you really don't want to rather than not give at all. God is happy when he gives us blessings, he is happy to give to us. If you do all these things watch the how all the great blessings come raining down!