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You Can't Celebrate Thanksgiving Without First Giving Thanks

dymond phillips • November 26, 2020

Let's not forgot the true meaning of Thanksgiving. 

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I wanted to take some time to just reflect. So many people get caught up on Thanksgiving being a time for food and shopping, that they never really stop to give thanks. This year has been a roller coaster. Like I spoke about my last post, through all the chaos I found peace. I’m so thankful for the peace that I found this year. I know we are experiencing a global pandemic. Some people are out of jobs, some people are dying, and loosing loved ones. Covid has brought so much pain to the world, but it’s brought some great things too. With Covid, I lost my job and was put on pause. But if I’m being quite honest I made more money with unemployment than I made at my last job. In 2020 I touched more money than I ever had at one time. Last year and I made the conscious decision to move back home after graduating, and I’m so happy that I did. I can’t imagine being quarantine alone away from my family. My time that I had quarantine with my mom and dad was unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. Yes they got on my nerves, but we spent some quality time in the house. I’ve been away from them for four years and the time we spent together in 2020, has made up for that. I’ve even seen my grandmother more this year than I’ve seen of her in the last five years. On top of that, I put so much time, research, and money into my business this year, because it was my only focus. 2020 has been a year unlike any others, but it’s definitely been one for the books. If you made it to Thanksgiving after everything we’ve experienced this year, you should be so grateful. If there’s one thing I learned this year is that LIFE IS SHORT. Every day is so precious and we need so stop taking things for granted.

One habit that I started implementing into my every day routine, was starting my morning with grateful journaling. I learned that when I start my morning with gratitude, it changes the course of my day. My task for you this Thanksgiving eve is to write a list of 20 things that you’re thankful for right now. These things can be as small or big as you want. Start your Thanksgiving off right from a place of things for me. I know this year has been hard for all of us, and everybody's struggle is different, but everybody has things to be thankful for. You have to focus on the good that you do you have rather than all the things that you don’t. 

20 things I'm thankful for 
1. My family. We may bump heads, but they're always there when I need them. I couldn't imagine not having them around.
2. My job. Going back to work was not in the plans, but I have a easy job that allows me to mix my business and expertise. 
3. My health. I've taken the Covid test many times and each have been negative. I've been blessed to not have any sickness in me.
4. My business. I love creating content and sharing my experiences with all of you. I have a platform where I can use my voice. 
5. My car. It may not be my dream car, but it runs smoothly and is still new, with no problems. 
6. My hair. I officially have my edges back and couldn't be happier.
7. My upbringing. My mom was a teen mom, but she still gave me everything I needed and wanted. She set me up for success.
8. My weight. I used to pray to gain weight. Even though, I'm getting fat, I reached my goal weight of 150lbs. 
9.My mind. God blessed me with sound mind. 
10. My peace. Getting to a place of peace is amazing. I don't worry about things, I just pray. 
11. My finances. I'm far from rich, but I have all my bills paid and wants met. I'm experiencing a season growth.
12. My spirit. I have a positive spirit, and it helps when I'm having a bad day. 
13. My support. I have so many people who support my business and dreams. They push me to be better each day. 
14. My vision. Not only the physical 2020 vision I have, my vision to see all my dreams. It helps me manifest.
15. Gods grace. Everyday he gives me grace and mercy, even when I don't deserve it. 
16. My friends. I don't talk to all of them everyday, but when we talk it's always a good time. They keep my spirit up. 
17. My growth. I've evolved as a person over the years and I'm happy with the woman I'm becoming. 
18. My heart. God blessed me with the ability to see the good in all people. 
19. My courage. I'm blessed to be fearless in my everyday life. I love taking risks in my business. 
20. My life. I'm alive and well in this moment. My life is far from what I thought it would be right now, but I'm loving every moment of it.
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