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You Are The Words You Speak

dymond phillips • February 5, 2018
Today is going to be a different kind of post. I just want to chit chat with you about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is something that I started focusing on more this year. I always believed in it but I never actually payed attention to it. As you know I believe 2018 is the year of the underdog and the year of many manifestations. Ultimately, you are the judge of how your year/life will be. The law of attraction goes head to head with the Christians belief of speaking things into existence. You do not have to be religious to practice the law of attraction.
The law of attraction is the belief that focusing on positive or negatives thoughts will bring positive or negative outcomes. The law of attraction tales is that like attract like. Meaning negative thoughts will cause you to actually have negative outcomes and vice versa. For example if you're constantly saying to yourself, Omg I'm gaining so much weight wish I could be smaller blah blah blah, you will actually get stuck in that mindset and continue to gain more weight because you're thinking so negatively. You have to shift those thoughts. You have to get excited and think of the good that's coming to your life. The law of attraction also states you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. AND your point of attraction is where you are right now, at this very moment. Whatever you are thinking now, is going to determine your future.
At first it may seem too easy like you can think, "I WANT A NEW CAR" and it'll fall out the sky; NO! You have to believe it already happened. You have to focus on you already having the car. Change the thoughts to yourself opening the doors of the car, what color the car is, and picture yourself driving the car. Speaking things into existence isn't enough. You have to add the work. With the law of attraction, you have to focus on the idea you already have what you want. To achieve your goals you have to actually visualize what you want. For example I see myself traveling all over the world. I have a list of places I know I'm going to visit in the next three years. Everyday I take some time a visualize myself being on these trips, what outfits I'm going to wear and even the people I'm going to be with. I can actually see it! 

In the book, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther Hicks, and Jerry Hicks, I learned about the 17 Second Rule. In chapter 21 it says, "You only are 17 seconds away from 68 seconds to fulfillment." According to Abraham-Hicks, 17 seconds of pure thought is the ignition point of manifesting. If you hold a thought for 17 seconds, you set in motion that manifestation. Basically the rule is visualize what you want for 17 seconds and work your way up to visualizing it for 68 seconds. 17 seconds of focus is all you need. I believe power comes from visualization, it makes you actually want to put the work towards it. Also, it makes your dreams and things you want become more of a reality once you visualize them. Be careful of your thoughts and the words that come off your tongue!
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