Hey hey happy Monday. It's officially spring and on top of that it's Aries Season. If you didn't know, I'm an Aries, my birthday is next month. Not only is my birthday next month, April 1st marks the first day of the second quarter of the year. If you have a business you should know exactly what that is. It's important to divide the year into four quarters with each quarter lasting three months. By dividing your business year into four quarters, you can effectively manage your company’s financial strengths and weaknesses,improving your overall profit margin. You can even create quarterly marketing plan to schedule how you'll promote for that quarter. This can be applied to personal life as well. Personally, I slacked and missed many of my first quarters goals. Before, we enter this new quarter, I had to sit down and plan out exactly why I didn't meet the goals I had in place. On top of that, with my birthday approaching, I had to evaluate the type of woman I am and the type of woman I want to be.
When I think about my future, and the woman I want to be; I see this fly, successful, business woman who handles her business without making excuses. I see her being healthy and fit. I see her living life HAPPY, with no regrets. I see a woman who gives her all, each and every day. I see a woman who gives back to girls around her. I see a woman of purpose following the plan God has for her life. When I really sit and visualize my future, I see a woman who is making her dreams a reality each day. Once I became clear about the woman I wanted to be, I had to take action. I wrote down a plan to help me stay on track. Last Monday, I signed up for a trainer and have been in the gym seven days straight. Also, I haven't eaten fast food in over a week. I'm trying to be very intentional about my life. I blocked out all people who were holding me back from my full potential. I stopped making excuses. The largest lie I was telling myself was, "I work better under pressure." In reality that was an excuse to procrastinate.
Today is Monday, it's a fresh week. We are exactly one week from the beginning of a new month. Stop and really visualize the person you want to be. Who is she/he, and what does he/she do. You have the power to change who you are and how others see you. You don't have to remain locked in old patterns. You can become the new you, if you are willing to do the work. Nothing in your life just happens. You are where you are, only because of you! For example, I used to be very lazy and sluggish. The reason for that was because I ate really badly, and laid around all day during free time. Once I started getting active in the gym and eating right, I see a change in my productivity and energy. Every bad habit can be switched but you must first identify the habit that's holding you back. Make a list and tackle each habit one week, month
or quarter at a time.
The reason you keep settling with your life is because, you're unclear about who you want to be. Once I realized exactly who I wanted to be and prayed about it, things started to change. If you notice, I don't go out and party all night, because waking up before 6am is very important to me. Once you get clear about what you really want and how you plan to obtain it, your thoughts begin to shift. I'm very clear about wanting to move, so you won't see me wasting a bunch of money throughout the week on things that aren't necessities. Get clear on all aspects of your life. I'm very clear on the type of person I want to be with, so you won't see me settling with someone who does not fit that. Sacrificing for the things you want is essential. Successful people understand the importance of self denial and discipline. I hate when people say you can't be picky. It's your life, if you don't set boundaries and habits in place to help you get everything you want, you'll never get them.
My challenge to you for this week, is to sit down and write down what you want. These goals can be related to careers, relationships, health, school, business, and/or religion. Once you write them down, write down the bad habit that's preventing you from reaching this goal. Lastly, write down how you can turn that negative habit into a positive. If you truly want something, you will be willing to work for it. If you find yourself being lazy and not working for it, you have to face the reality that you really don't want it. To become the person you want to be, it will take discipline, but it's never too late. Nothing in life will change, if you aren't willing to change. Let's work together to reach success!