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Self Discipline December Challenge

dymond phillips • November 30, 2020

What Habits Do You Want To Create To Help You Reach Your Goals?

Wow, it's the last day of November. I can't believe we are 31 days away from the new year. 2020, has definitely been one for the books. This year was different than we thought it would be. Through all the craziness, this year has changed me for the better. I did so much self-reflecting, and soul searching this year. If you haven't done any inner work this year, NOW IS THE TIME. Don't go into the new year with old baggage and habits holding you back from being the best version of yourself. 

It takes 21 days to form a new habit. Whether you know it or not, 40% of your daily activities are habits that you do without thinking. According to Michael Tonge, "It’s the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read and what you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you. That will change your life." Getting ahead can be a struggle if you don't have the discipline to do the right simple things every single day. If you want to be successful and crush your goals, you have to be highly disciplined. Everybody always asks me, how do you stay motivated? Motivation means nothing, it comes and goes. The real power is in the habits you do every day. Habits happen naturally, you do it whether you feel like it or not. 

We are so close to the new year and it's time to get ready. 2020 was the year to prep yourself, 2021 is the year to go after everything you want. With all that being said, tomorrow starts my Self Discipline December Challenge. Two weeks ago, I wrote about how to set goals and plans. I hope you did the exercise to create some great goals (if not, click here to read.) Now, I want you to write three daily habits that will help you get to the goal. For the month of December, I want you to do these habits every single day. By the new year, these habits will naturally be in your everyday routine. I understand that creating habits aren't easy. If you miss a day, the key is not to miss two days in a row. 

I'm so excited for this. Make sure you really put in the work, and by the end of the challenge, you will be so proud of yourself. It's going to be hard, but worth it. Here's my list of everyday habits I'm implementing, the minimum is three:

1. Reading at least 30 minutes a day. 
2. Waking up before 7am daily. 
3. Writing a daily affirmation in the morning. 
4. Put on vaseline, or oil as soon as I get out the shower. (I tend to forget, so I'm always ashy in the winter.)
5. Meditate for at least 10 minutes a day. 
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