After watching any movie I try to relate the message to my life. Going to see Anyssah was my Winnie The Pooh experience. I sometimes tend to get so caught up on working and making money that I forget that there's more to life than that. Friends are supposed to help you stay on track. While I was in Cleveland we talked about working, school and the blog. Anyssah told me, 'Don't sacrifice your happiness for wealth you'll never be happy." At first I blew it off but after watching Winnie The Pooh.
Do you ever feel like you've become obsessed with money and getting it. Anyssah wasn't the first person to tell me money wasn't everything. If multiple people are telling you this, it has to be true. Lately, I've been so caught up in getting more money that I stopped making time for things that are more important. If you haven't noticed, I didn't post on the blog in two weeks, that's because I haven't had an off day until my two day trip to Cleveland and that's because I requested it off months ago. Working two jobs 7 days a week, going to school full time (as a senior) and building a brand, takes a lot of energy. I realized that I'm already two months into my senior year and I haven't did any campus activities. It's already 1/4 of the way over and if I keep things at this rate when I get done I'll look back and have no memories. I don't want to be that person working at Chili's for the rest of my life. Nor do I want to be the broke college student who is at campus events all day.