Ladies, please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem. You meet a guy, y'all talking and kicking it, BUT you see all the flaws. However, you still continue talking to him because you think he COULD be so much IN THE FUTURE. You're so focused on what it could be rather than what it is. A LOT of people don’t see the problem in this, they see it as “staying down for the come up.” BUT the person has to want to come up they can’t be complacent with where they are. You will never be satisfied with his reality. The problem with falling for someones potential is that they may never live up to the expectation you have. SAVE YOURSELF the heartbreak, because sometimes you are in too deep and willing to wait forever for it. When falling for someone, fall for exactly who they are not the illusion of what they could be. I’ve been in this situation a couple times, not that I was in love with the person, but I had high hopes of what they could be. It puts you in a hard place because you want him to be better, but you can’t force somebody to want more than they already want. PLEASE PLEASE follow the signs.