Hi, I'm Dymond and I'm a black woman in America. Living in a country where lives of people who look like me don't matter, is depressing. But, I'm here to tell you that they do. If you've been living under a rock, a man named George Floyd, was murdered on camera by police in Minneapolis. This is not the first black person who was killed due to police brutality and racism. We as a people have been targeted for years. After two months of more black people dying from Covid than anyone else, Ahmaud Arbery being killed by three white men for simply jogging, and so much more, George's death was the feather that broke the horses back. We as a people are fed up and tired. IT SPARKED A REVOLUTION. Every single day it is a protest happening, people are looting, riots have struck, and sides have been chosen. Last week social media was so heavy that I had to just step back and breathe.
I was able to attend a protest in Detroit, with my mom. The experience was everything. Seeing people from all different races come together for a common goal, was a sight to see. There was a wide age range there, and you could feel the emotions of all the people. Last week, there were protests in all 50 states, plus 13 countries. With everything going on, I wanted to chat and share my protesting experience with you. I hope you enjoy this short video. Keep the conversations going. We have to continue to speak up, and share. This will be a daily practice to take action to make change necessary. Don't let the hashtags fade without actual change in the world happening. This is our daily fight, use your voice!