When I kiss you, everything in the world stop
It's just me and you
In the middle of nowhere but the only thing we can see is clouds
Kissing you is like falling out of a spaceship, being caught by a cloud
Reappearing on the ground with nothing be cotton in my body
Your lips are so soft that I can't determine if I am actually kissing you
When you kiss me, the cartoon angel and devil climb into my ears and peel my brain apart
Not knowing is this real life or a dream
But when I'm not kissing you, I try to find those feelings
I kiss my pillow imaging that it's you
In the shower I make out with my soapy rag until I remember your kisses never tasted like Dove
Your kissing tasted like momma homemade ice tea
You know so addicting that after one taste , I was craving more and more
Although we aren't together , when I kiss you I forget my middle name
I don't know my left from my right
Your kissing make me feel new.