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Do You Really Want It

dymond phillips • November 17, 2020

Does the work match the goal? 

Do you really want the things that you say you want? Last week, I reached out to my trainer and told her how my weight is officially out of control. She was so sweet and eager to get back to working with me. The next day, we were on zoom working out. We worked out for two days, and on the third day, I ended up oversleeping. I had hit snooze on my alarm three times. By the time that I had woke up, it was 6:10am, our session was for 6 AM. Out of frustration, she sent me a nice text about how she got up at 5am and a reminder to respect her time. I felt so bad. I literally sat in my bed for about 15 minutes, asking myself, do you really want a healthier lifestyle? It’s no way you can say you want to be healthier and fit, but not work out. Not only is it wasting money, but it’s wasting time. I asked myself, am I going to get serious, because I’m not about to waste my time or hers.

Can we say that we want something, if we aren’t willing to put the work in for it? After another 10 minutes of prayer and self reflection, I came to the conclusion that I do want a better life. That meant I had to get serious. I needed a night-time routine, so that I was in bed at a decent hour, to be up the next day for my gym session. I came to the realization that in order to be the fit gym rat that I want to to be, I had to be willing to let go of the life that I was living. I always see quotes about how your new life is going to cost you your old one. Sometimes you have to be real with yourself and ask those hard questions. If the answer is no, be honest and let it go. Are you willing to have these hard conversations with yourself? If you find yourself not doing the work necessary to accomplish a goal you set, maybe it’s time for a check in. I find myself having these check-in‘s with myself, when I’m missing the mark. If you’re having these conversations, more than often, you are not being real with yourself on the things that you say you want. 

Being self-aware will get you further than making up excuses and lying to yourself. Why lie to yourself? You know you. I’m here to ask you today, do you really want it? Ponder on that thought and really evaluate to make sure the work that you’re doing aligns with the goals that you set. I told myself that if I miss another gym session in the next two weeks, and it isn’t an emergency, I am going to stop, because I refuse to waste my time or hers. Sometimes you have to set a mini goal, just to see if you are even willing to do the work. What are some ways that you can hold yourself accountable on the things that you say you want? It may be time for a check in. 
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