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Fill Your Own Cup

dymond phillips • April 29, 2020

How Can You Pour Into Others, Without Pouring Into Yourself?

Happy Monday. I hope you're feeling encouraged and happy today. It's a fresh week and we're almost in a new month. One thing I've been really good at, is filling my cup. I share a lot via social media, my blog, and Youtube. The only way I'm able to consistently do that, is by filling my own cup. Filling my cup, may look a little different in some ways, with the pandemic going on, but I still prioritize it. Even if you aren't a content creator, you still need to fill your cup. Filling your cup is when you replenish your mental, emotional, and physical energy. It's when you you stop and recharge your own batteries.

Right now, we're in a odd place as a nation. The world is currently on pause, but life is still moving. Everyday, somebody is having a baby, and some are losing loved ones. Even though it's a pandemic, time is still moving. Many people are waiting to resume their lives, once the outside world "opens up.'' I'm here to tell you, don't wait for a governor or president to tell you when your life can be resumed. Just because some things are paused, does not mean everything is. Sarah Jakes Roberts recently said in a recent podcast, "You have to make this time real. My life can resume within the parameters of the reality that I live in now, but everything doesn't have to be on pause.'' Don't let the Corona Virus stop you from taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. I understand not everybody is in the space to hustle, but take some time to get to know you during this season.    

My self care routines haven't changed completely. Before this pandemic, I filled my cup by going to events, the movies and Starbucks. Now, I'm unable to go to those places. Although I still can write, read, meditate and pray, I had to replace going to those places with something else. I started watching more motivational live videos, taking daily drives, listening to more podcasts, watching more sermons, and walking around my neighborhood. All of these things help me be better. Some of them are just things I enjoy doing. Learn what makes you happy in this season and carve out time to do it. 

You have to fill your cup and take care of yourself first. Think about it, when you're on a plane, the sky crew tells you to put on your own oxygen mask, before helping a child. Don't lose your own oxygen because you're trying to help everyone else. The world teaches us that taking care of ourselves first is selfish and a bad thing. That is incorrect. If you don’t do things to keep your cup full, you have nothing left to give or share with others. Figure out how self cares looks for you in this season. You have to try different things in order to see what makes you feel good. I hope you take this, and apply it into your everyday life. Sometimes self care isn't taking a full day to yourself, but it's taking 20min every morning to have some me time. Discover what it looks like for you! Stay safe and stay inside! 
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