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Fertilize Your Life

dymond phillips • April 4, 2022

It's Time To Kick It In Drive

Happy Monday, its the first Monday in this new month! It’s finally April! I’m so pumped for a new month. I love the fresh start and new beginnings that a new month brings. On top of it being a new month, today starts the second quarter of the year. We are officially four months into 2022, can you believe it? I swear time is flying by. Before you know it, it’ll be the fourth quarter and we’ll be in the holiday season. April is such a special month to me. My birthday is in April, but above that, spring is my favorite season. Life can become daunting during the winter for me. It’s extremely cold, weather is unpredictable, and I’m usually catching up after the holiday season. January-March are truly head down do the work months for me. Yea, I travel a little bit and hang with friends, but for the most part, I’m doing my own thing for the first quarter of the year. Typically the first quarter is where I’m also setting up systems for my life. I’ve definitely been on autopilot the last few weeks. 

That’s why I love April. Back when I was attending school, I would literally be so deep into my studies for the first quarter of the year that when spring break came around, it was a time for me to reset. During spring break I would literally mentally decompress and return to my studies refreshed and renewed. According to, “Spring is the season during which the natural world revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months. During spring, dormant plants begin to grow again, new seedlings sprout out of the ground and hibernating animals awake.” After months spent conserving energy, flowers bloom in the spring, once they sense that the days have grown longer and the weather has turned warmer. If a flower can use the spring season to bloom why can’t you and I? Spring is a time for blossoming, even if you aren’t a flower. 

I was reading this article about farmers and had to share some of it with you. EminenceOrganicFarm said, “Spring is typically considered to be the start of the growing season in the Northern Hemisphere, spring represents fresh beginnings for life on the farm.” Each season represents a different phase of the growing cycle for farmers. The spring season is for fertilizing fields and planting crops. I don’t know if you know anything about planting, but let me tell you this. When you water a plant, it grows, but when you fertilize, it boosts the growth. You also get a healthier, more beautiful looking plant because you put effort towards tending to it. This can apply to life as well. Whether you’re building a business, career, or just pushing towards goals, you have to put in effort for it to grow. Spring is the season to fertilize your life. I don’t know about you, but every aspect of my life could use a boost. 

Fertilize your hustle, your business, your spiritual journey, your creativity, your goals! It’s time to come out of hibernation and rise. Build the dreams you had in your head to the world. Plant your seeds for success. Planting your seeds is simply doing the work in order to get there. You know the desires of your heart. You know the goals you want to achieve. Go out and plant your seeds and watch how things grow. Once you plant the seeds and fertilize, the only thing left is to believe and trust that God will grow whatever it is. Think about it, farmers plant and take care of seeds with the expectation to get a harvest. Why wouldn’t you do the same with whatever it is you’re going after? Do your part and watch it grow. Nothing comes from nothing. You can’t believe something will happen without doing any work towards it. On the other hand, you can’t work towards a goal that you don’t fully believe you will achieve!

It’s a fresh month and season. It’s a new quarter of the year. It’s time to be more like farmers. It’s planting season. Sow your seeds. Fertilize your goals. Happy April, here’s to a great planting season! 

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