If I gave you a crystal ball to look into your future, do you know what you‘d see? Adults often ask children, what they want to be when they grow up? As adults, when you're looking to level up, the second step is to determine who you want to be. Not compared to other people, but who do
you want to be? Some questions you can ask to get a clear answer is: What activities does this person do? What kind of food does this person eat? Where does this person shop? More importantly, how does this person operate day to day? How does this person feel and make others feel? It’s easy to say, I want a glow up, but unless you know
how you want to glow up, you’re less likely to. I can say I want to be a NBA player, but if I’m never shooting in the gym, and actively pursuing it, do I really want it? Your actions must align with your words. Sometimes, we say we want things, because we see other people wanting them. That makes us think we want it, when in reality we don’t. During this silent time, I want you to really sit and think about what it is you want. Not what your parent wants for you, not what society says is acceptable for you, not what you see on the gram. I know the type of lifestyle I want inside and out. The career I want to have. The rooms I want to be in. I know the entire life of the woman I want to be, I can visualize it. Once you visualize it, it’s easier to make it happen. It’s hard to shoot for a goal, when you don’t really see it happening for yourself.
I want to take this a step further. If you say you want something, but you aren’t willing to sacrifice, or work for it, do you actually want it? If you want to lose weight you'll sacrifice time for the gym, and sacrifice money to buy healthier foods. That takes a lot of time and energy. My question for you is, what are you glorifying? How can you be asking God for strength, but glorifying man, social media or television? My major focus for this season is discipline. Hebrews 12:11 says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.'' Discipline is the work done on the practice field, so you can be ready for the big game. Lack of discipline will haunt you, if you don't take the time to incorporate it into your daily life. What's some areas of your life where you need to be more disciplined?
So many times, we fall short due to lack of discipline. People always want to become more disciplined in life, but miss the first step. Lack of discipline is due to lack of commitment. When you aren't fully committed you aren't disciplined. When you have a job and need money, you aren't going to not show up. Why, because you need money. When you truly want something, you commit fully to it. My activity for you today is to write down a list of five short and long terms goals. Short term goals are goals that you'd like to achieve within 6-12 months. Long term is anything after a year. Really sit and think about what you want. Remember, what you truly desire, you'll be willing to commit to, and sacrifice for. If you think you want something, but fail to put in the work for it, do you truly want it? Also, I want you to write a letter to your future self, the one you visualized. Tell the about all the work and sacrifice it took to get there, and the commitments you're setting right now. I'm giving my all to this fast and detox, because I'm obsessed with becoming the best version of myself, and I know this'll help me get there.
Once you get a clear vision of the life you want to live, you will start to be more disciplined, because you know the things that it takes to get there. Stop asking God to give you things, that you are ready to sacrifice for.
Happy Thursday!