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Day Two: End Of Summer Fast & Detox

dymond phillips • September 17, 2020

One Year Anniversary Mugs Currently On Sale For $10 (Click here to shop)

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments

We are officially 48 hours into the fast and detox. How do you feel? Today for me was better than yesterday. I woke up energized, by 5pm, I was feeling lazy. All I wanted to do was lay down and watch tv, but I didn't give in. After I went for a walk around my neighborhood, I was back feeling good. Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it. That's the key to this fast and detox. Training your mind to be stronger than your body. Dana Chanel says, "I’m a slave to nothing and no one not even my own body! Most Disciplined!" That is the thing I've been telling myself all day. If you don't train your mind, you'll never have discipline which means, you'll never buckle down and accomplish a goal. My prayer has been for God to grant me the desire. If he gives me the desire, the pain that I go thru for it won't seem as bad. Yes it will still be painful, but the desire and want for it will be greater, thus making it worth it. 

Today, I found myself continuously asking God to give me the strength. The hardest thing is surprisingly food. I want to share a scripture with you. Ephesians 3:16 says, "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man.'' What Paul is saying is, we ultimately pull strength by what we glorify. If we glorify God, he will be our ultimate source of strength. Isn't it funny how in life if we want to strengthen our beings, we turn to other things. For example, if we want to strengthen our body, we go to the gym and eat right; or when we want to strengthen our mind, we read books and watch videos on the subject. How many of us actually try to strengthen our inner man(woman?) We do that by what we glorify. You can tell what a person worships by what they glorify and what they bring glory to. 

You can also tell what a person worships by what they're willing to sacrifice for. If you want to lose weight you'll sacrifice time for the gym, and sacrifice money to buy healthier foods. That takes a lot of time and energy. My question for you is, what are you glorifying? How can you be asking God for strength, but glorifying man, social media or television? My major focus for this season is discipline. Hebrews 12:11 says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.'' Discipline is the work done on the practice field, so you can be ready for the big game. Lack of discipline will haunt you, if you don't take the time to incorporate it into your daily life. What's some areas of your life where you need to be more disciplined? 

So many times, we fall short due to lack of discipline. People always want to become more disciplined in life, but miss the first step. Lack of discipline is due to lack of commitment. When you aren't fully committed you aren't disciplined. When you have a job and need money, you aren't going to not show up. Why, because you need money. When you truly want something, you commit fully to it. My activity for you today is to write down a list of five short and long terms goals. Short term goals are goals that you'd like to achieve within 6-12 months. Long term is anything after a year. Really sit and think about what you want. Remember, what you truly desire, you'll be willing to commit to, and sacrifice for. If you think you want something, but fail to put in the work for it, do you truly want it? I'm giving my all to this fast and detox, because I'm obsessed with becoming the best version of myself, and I know this'll help me get there.

I don't care if you've cheated yesterday, today is the perfect day to recommit to the fast and detox. Remember, it all starts with your mind. When you miss the mark and give in to the cravings, you aren't
cheating me, you're cheating yourself. Stop playing yourself. You claim you want to have a better life, take this fast/detox seriously. We still have five days to really buckle down, pray and make things happen. I pray you have an amazing disciplined Wednesday.  

By the way, my one year anniversary mugs are currently on sale for $10. (CLICK HERE TO SHOP)

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