Wow, we are officially four days in. It's always hard to be disciplined on the weekends. Don't give in, you got this. Today, I was running around all day, and I was so happy to have a hour of silence. I've been using my time during this fast and detox to really get connected to God and myself. Today I self reflected on my life. It's definitely been a roller coaster, but thus far, everything has worked for my good. When you're in the the middle of a storm, in life, it's hard to see yourself coming out. You think the situation is so big that sometimes you question why me. But in those moments, God always comes thru. During adversities in your life, you need to hold on to your faith.
First let me define the word adversity, it's a noun meaning difficulties. So many Christians believe, just because they are Christians, nothing bad will ever happen to them, but that's not true. One of the greatest scriptures has to be Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.'' Many non Christians always ask me, if I really believe that, even when negative things happen to me. The answer is yes. Things in itself may not be good, but God will work them out for my good. The bottom line is that Romans 8:28 holds true no matter the hand you've been dealt. God has a way of allowing us to go thru our seasons of suffering in order for good things to come from it.
Another good scripture to read when you're going thru trials is, Philippians 1:12-19. It teaches us the uncomfortable situations in adversities. Paul says that even as a saint and believer things will happen in our life. At this time he speaks about the bounds that were holding him, as a results of him serving christ, he's referring to him being in prison. He was in prison as a result of him doing things that are right. He is also dealing with the people, who are adding infliction to his wounds. The second thing we learn in this text, is the uninterrupted service during adversities. His opposition actually became his opportunity. Instead of shutting doors, they opened them. God can use anything to bring his name glory. Meaning any negative situation that we have in our life, God can turn to a positive.
Here's what I want you to take from todays message: Nothing just happens, just to happen. Everything that happens in your life is for a greater good. Look at your life and everything negative you've been thru, think deeply about it and figure out what was the good that came from it. The next time something bad happens to you, rather than question why me, figure out what it is he wants you to get from it. God also uses our adversities for encouraging others. Whatever crisis or hardship you're dealing with, you can advance thru it. Have faith, without doubt.
Now for those of you who are detoxing as well, here's my new task for you. Write down your old habits, ways, traits, and things you used to do. The things that led you to failure. Now, when I say failure, I don't mean the literal term. I mean led you to not meet the mark. The things that didn't get you to where you wanted yourself to be at. For example, I used to eat fast food at least once a day, so I didn't reach my flat stomach fitness goal. A business example is, I went out three nights in a row, which caused me to sleep in late, and on Monday I didn't write a post for the blog. Every effect has a cause. Normally, it's a list of causes that lead you to failure. Write down this list, on paper or in your notes. Keep this list and if anytime throughout this new season of your life you see yourself reverting back to old ways, CATCH IT EARLY. Break old habits. If you're religious, pray that God removes those habits. Changing those habits will change the outcome. Changing the outcome means gaining success. Failure isn't bad. Failures are apart of life, if you don't fail you don't learn; if you don't learn you'll never change. We all have habits or ways, that make us better and make us worse. Write that list for you.
Only three days left, you have been doing so good. Don't give in now. Until tomorrow.