It’s a new year and I like to start off my year by picking a word to define it. Picking a word for the year helps bring focus and clarify. I find it better to set a word instead of new year resolutions. When you pick a word, it helps you create a mantra to help guide your daily actions and become a better version of yourself. By selecting a word, it doesn’t stop you from specific hopes and dreams. Instead, it supports them by allowing yourself space to grow and make adjustments along the way. Claire Diaz Ortiz said, “Pick one word that word that imbues the type of year you wish to have, and a word that can serve as a guidepost for what you want in the year to come. One simple word that will help you decide between X and Y, and help you remember what’s important when you find yourself in an endless loop of Facebook/Twitter/Email checking you can’t get out of.”
When I first started thinking about what word to pick, I first started by reflecting. I went thru my journal and reflected on last year, and asked myself questions. The second thing I did was visualize. I sat and thought about how I wanted my year to be, and how I wanted to live my life daily. Next thing I did was wrote a list of words that came to mind. I wrote down about fifteen words, and then narrowed it down to my top three. I couldn’t pick a word so I said I would pray on it. The next day I watched the documentary about Kobe Bryant, amuse. After watching it, I had no doubt in my mind about the word to pick. My 2021 word will be intentional. Greatness doesn’t happen by accident, you have to be intentional with the things you do daily. This year, I will be intentional with everything I do, no matter how big or small. After seeing the documentary, I learned how by being intentional Kobe Bryant was able to continuously crush his goals.
Kobe made the choice to be a master of his craft at a young age. He wanted to be the best of the best and was willing to sacrifice in order to get there. He didn’t want to just be the best of his generation, he wanted to be the greatest of all time. Kobe was intentional. One thing he did was studied the greats. Not only did he study the known basketball players, he studied all of them. He was intentional about being a great player so he was willing to put time into it. At 18, he decided not to go to college and to focus on his goal of going to the NBA. By doing that, he was able to put all his time into working on his skill. Kobe intentionally manifested playing for the lakers. As a kid he would imagine himself in a Lakers jersey. He studied to learn everything about the team. He was willing to do the work to make that dream a reality. Kobe was mentally preparing himself for his dream of leading the team to a victory.
Kobe was also intentional about pushing thru failures. When he first got to the NBA he would rarely get play time. One play off game, when he got in, he shot all air balls. Rather than going home and crying about it, he went to his old high school and shot all night. He let out his anger by practicing and getting better. When the time came for his team to play that team again, he was better and made sure he was prepared to redeem himself. Lastly, Kobe was intentional about being the best leader. He wanted his team to all have his grit, fight and competitive spirit. He did that by pushing them each day in practice.
Kobe was always a student of the game, even when he made it to playing with the lakers. He became one of the greats by being intentional. Kobe was able to be intentional once he got clear on the vision. That’s exactly how my 2021 will be. I’m intentionally becoming the woman I’ve always dreamed of. Clarity in the vision accelerates the goal. Take some time to discover what your 2021 word is. Add it to your daily affirmations and watch how your world changes.