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Creating A Better Me: Self Esteem Workshop

Dymond phillips • August 8, 2018
On Saturday August 4th at the Nelsons Mullins Law Farm, The Posh Factory held their first workshop titled Creating A Better Me. The event started at 10am and went a little past noon. Overall this event was nothing short of amazing. The panelist was filled with three woman Jayln Buster (_ThePoshFactory) Asha Bashir (AshaOlivia), and Terri Watson (@fabolouss.t) All of these women have different paths but came together very well. The event was at a beautiful high rise room with a skyline view of Atlanta, GA. The morning started with a small breakfast from Chik-Fil-A with coffee and refreshments. Next we did an icebreaker where we each picked a question out of a bowl and answered it along with an introduction of ourselves.  
The guest speaker was so powerful and had the entire room locked into everything she was saying. The title of her speech was, I Am Who God Says I AM. Asha is a 24year old writer, speaker, and founder of Letters To God: A Message To God For God. She graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree n Journalism. After quitting her job and getting out of a five year relationship, she turned to God to find her purpose. After purchasing three journals and writing letters, prayer and reading Gods word he revealed to her, her mission. She now hosts her events once a month, serves in her church as the Young Adult Leader and travels to share the good news with others.
Asha's speech about self love was mind changing. She talked about how to become a confident Godly woman. The biggest problem with becoming that is society can not define your confidence. So many woman tend to look to men or social media or the world to fill full but those things can't fill you. The only source that can fill you and make you whole is God. As women we tend to look from men to men to feel confident or jump from relationship to relationship to feel complete. The last major problem we face when creating self love is, we tend to compare ourselves to others. Don't diminish your self esteem by looking at other peoples paths, God has a different plan for you. Lastly Asha, gave three points to help you become a confident Godly woman. 1.Seek God: Actually try to get to know his read his word, pray, spend time with him. 2.Trust Who God Has Said You Are. 3.Serve, once you find your purpose use it to build up the community. Empower others!
After her tremendous speech we broke out into small group sessions where we did small activities to boost self love. Asha's activity was to write a letter from your negative self to your positive self. This way you can break the barrier and get the negativity out. Jayln's activity was a mini vision board. She had each girl write five characteristics you admire about yourself, five goals, five challenges and five actions. By you writing out a vision board you can put this on your room and look at it daily to where you can motivate yourself. Vision boards are very powerful. The last group was Terri's group. She is a makeup artist who wanted to focus on beauty inside and out. She gave us a empty face and had us write four things we didn't like about ourselves on the outside. Then on the inside of the face she wanted us to write things we loved about ourselves, this could be physical or just characteristics. By doing this it shows that no matter what you dislike or no matter what negative things people say, everybody still has beauty in them. 

Lastly we ended the morning with a ballon release. But not just any ballon release. Inside of the ballon we wrote something we wanted to get rid of. For me, I wrote bad time management. Everybody walked outside, Asha gave a couple sentences and we released. This symbolizes letting go, and fixing the problems that need to be fixed. This workshop was great and was perfect or young girls age 12 and up to any age, we all could use this because self love is so important. You have to love yourself because you are beautiful and amazing! 
A huge thank you, to The Posh Factory for having me I can't wait until you have another event!

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