This week I want to talk to you about taking breaks in life. Sometimes when you're going thru life you have to focus on different things. Now what I mean is when life is getting too hectic you may have to stop doing some things you love. I'm here to tell you that IT IS OKAY, just make sure you come back stronger! For example, my little cousin Ajhane, (she's no stranger to the blog she has a few posts if you scroll back) has a Youtube channel Oh Hey Nay
She started creating videos back about a year ago. At first she loved it and was making videos whenever she had the time to. As her senior year of high school came around she realized she didn't have much time for it anymore. At that point that she quit Youtube all together. It wasn't until Sunday that I received the notification about her new video. After a long nine months she decided to come back. I was so excited when I saw that she'd returned because I know the passion she has for it. A lot of people now a days, see how much money and success a person is having and say I want to do that. Never let the reason why you're doing something be just to get money. Doing what you're passionate about will bring money in due time. Anywho since she's been back she has consistently released two new videos.
That's what I mean when I say come back stronger. She had to stop for nine months but she made sure that now she comes back better than she was before. This can be applied to anything. I've had to stop writing on here for a while but I try to always come back better and with a plan. You have to actually see what you were doing before and how you can be better. If you don't come back stronger people won't take you serious. Let's be real if you had an ex that came back into your life talking about getting back together but wasn't changing anything to make things better; you wouldn't take him or her seriously. But if they came back doing everything 10000xs better you'd be more willing to give things a try. Now I know it depends on the situation but you get what I'm saying.
Nothing is wrong with putting a pause on your dreams or plans but don't forget to come back ready to press play. Make a plan on how to have a different outcome and watch the change it has on your life. As always, I'm rooting for you!
p.s: don't forget to subscribe to #OhHeyNay