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Blogmas Day Eleven: 21 Day Challenge

Dymond Phillips • December 11, 2018
Can you believe it's only three weeks left in 2018? When I woke up this morning I couldn't believe how fast time flies. Did you know it takes 21 days to form or break a habit? I've spoken about habits before on my blog ( Setting goals and dreaming is cool but do you have the habits in your day to day life to help you get there? For example, my goal is to maximize my full day. I plan to get there by creating a habit of waking up by 6am each morning. Earlier on my Instagram I posted this and the feedback I got was great. I want to challenge you to come up with at least three habits that you can change or create on the daily to help you get to your purpose. If you complete this challenge, by January 1st, 2019 the things you want to implement will become habits. The purpose of me doing it now is to stop procrastination. So many people say, "Next year I'm doing this." and start off really well, but by the second week, they feel themselves back in the same predicament. By us starting now, we will have a jump start on success in the New Year. AND, our habits will already be second nature. Will you join me? You don't have to share your list with me, but don't cheat yourself, be honest. The first few days, might be hard but push thru and don't give up! #HabitsFor2019. 
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