On the second day of Blogmas my true love gave to me........ a sweater and a Starbucks tea. Ha, Happy Saturday, well technically it's after midnight so it's Sunday but still. My day was jam packed. I woke up super early to run some errands and also spent about two hours at Starbucks to study and work on some new posts. On top of that I spent about two hours in the library as well. While still managing to make it my mid day work shift.
I couldn’t wait to get home from work and just sleep but instead of sleeping I stayed up watching Freeforms (previously called ABC Family) 25 Days Of Christmas! Growing up, I always looked forward to this time of year just for that . If you don’t know what 25 Days Of Christmas is I’ll explain it. Well it’s when Freeform plays all of the holiday classic movies everyday leading up to Christmas. They play literally all the good Christmas movies. On weekends they start at 8am and are on all day until 1am. During the week they usually start around 5pm or 7pm depending on the day. Back when I lived at home with my mom I would spend my off days doing nothing but sitting by the fire place and recording/watching all the movies. I love recording movies because you can play them back and watch them over without the commercials.
Everybody knows I’m notorious for getting my two go to drinks at Starbucks. But when I went today I switched it up. When I posted the picture of the drink I got on Snapchat I had multiple people ask me what I was drinking. So why not answer everybody here. Below is a picture of my Venti Peach Citrus White Tea Infused Lemonade Sweetened. Now this drink is delicious and is something I drink when I’ve had too much caffeine for the day. It tastes fresh if that makes sense. It’s sweet but not like a homemade sweet tea. It’s a perfect balance of sweetness but still fresh. If you’re like and like sweet tea but also like fruit and botanical blends this is the perfect drink for you.