If I had to name this part of my life it would be called Just Do It. The reason for this is because theres so many things in my head and that I want to do but normally push them off. I push them off for different reasons. I push them off due to saving money, “saving my time”, or just out of pure laziness. It wasn’t until last Wednesday, where I decided it was time to push for it. Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of things that I’m proud of myself for. I stepped out on courage with starting Dymond’s Diary and it was the best thing I’ve done. But there are so many other things that I see for myself and my brand that I haven't done. I always criticize myself to see how I can better my life, my brand, my education and more.
Last Wednesday, I was fed up. I felt like "why put off things for tomorrow that I can do today?". Tomorrow isn't promised so why not do everything you want now. Whenever anyone asks me for advice on starting a business I always tell them, "JUST START IT!" That's the only way you can find out if you truly like it or not. Each month, I set goals for my brand and myself. There's been so many things that I keep pushing off to the next month. For example I've been saying I want to do a breast cancer campaign and concept. But I kept pushing off booking the photographer, on Wednesday I said let me just do it. That got me thinking about all the goals I push off. If you're like me, you're a huge procrastinator and would be so much further in life if you'd just attack things head on early. From that moment it was like a flame was just lit in me. Since then I've knocked off four other things on my list that I've been wanting to do.
This new "Just Do It" motto got me thinking about other areas of my life. Is there ever any goals in your life that you push to the side or push to the back of your brain? Start right now, the more you push it back the less likely you are to ever start. I started doing this with even school. When I'm first given an assignment, I try to complete it within the first two days so that way I know it's done. I even started that with blog posts. Normally when I get ideas I write them down and say I'll right the post later, but lately I started doing them right then and there. I honestly can say I've seen a difference in life just by doing things early. I have more time, I feel more accomplished I just feel better.
This week I'm challenging you to write a list of the things you've been putting off, lets say the top 10. Everyday, try to knock off at least two things off the list. I'm not saying you have to finish everything you starting that day, but try to do as much as possible. I promise you'll see a better outcome in life and you'll even have more time for you! I hope everybody can join me in this. Let's break these lazy habits together!