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Absolutely Not

dymond phillips • June 6, 2017
Everybody always talks about what they want in their significant other. What he/she must have and what he/she must be. Let's talk about the things that are absolute no's. Let's talk about the aspects that I, personally, will not tolerate when dealing with a man! I'm real leaned back and chill in relationships, so it's certain things I just absolutely can not deal with. I took it upon myself to ask social media what would ABSOLUTELY not be tolerated in relationships. The creator of Learn Fast Win Slow, Bee, said lying. That's one that everybody would say. My question is if nobody can deal with a liar, how are liars in relationships? Honestly, I can't tolerate a liar either, but I have had past situations where I've stayed with a liar. Yes that was my decision but I didn't have the courage to leave and I honestly thought he would change. My friend Aya, that attends TSU, response was disrespect and inconsistency. These are two MAJOR things that I would say I couldn't tolerate either. I will never allow a man to disrespect me, my morals or my family. Respect is something that I give to everyone, and since I'm giving it I expect to receive it. I will never disrespect who I'm dealing with because I wouldn't want them to disrespect me. INCONSISTENCY is something I've ran into wayyyyyy to much. I see it as a slap in my face because you make time for what you want. I am super busy, so if I'm making time for you, you can at least carve me into your schedule. The only way I'll ever allow a man to be inconsistent with me is if he is going thru something or has family issues to attend to.
Another response I got was from Britt, she said that she can't stay with a cheater. Cheating is a big thing for me ESPECIALLY when I'm all in with a guy. If I'm all in and 100 percent faithful the least you can do is BE FAITHFUL. My opinion is a little different. The things I can't tolerate people usually don't think about. I ABSOLUTELY will not stay with a man who isn't motivated. I'm a very ambitious goal oriented person, so I can't tolerate a man who isn't the same. You don't have to know exactly what you want to do but you do have to want to be successful. I crave success and wealth on the daily so whoever I'm dating has to be more of a goal digger than me. Another thing I won't tolerate is someone who doesn't believe in GOD! We don't necessarily have to have the same religion but he must believe in a higher being. I'm a very active christian: I pray throughout the day, go to church on Sunday's, and try to live by the bible (of course we all fall short and sin.) I can't be with someone who doesn't believe in God because we will have way too many differences, the things that he may find ok I won't. My ABSOLUTELY NOT list isn't that long because I am very optimistic when it comes to guys. Anybody who knows my relationship past would know that. Guess that's why I always find myself falling in love with someones potential. I found ways to stop myself from that. Tab the link and check out the post now.
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