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A Philly Beauty

Dymond Phillips • January 2, 2018

Slay Of The Week 

Happy New Year, first post of 2018. Back during the Thanksgiving holiday, as some of you already know, I went to Philadelphia, PA. While I was there I met and interviewed a beautiful girl boss. The ambitious girl I had the pleasure of collaborating with was Taysha Chantel. She is a MUA from a small town in Pennsylvania. The thing that caught my eye with her is the fact that she is only 21. You know, I'm young too so I love connecting with girls who are like me because it's inspiring. Black girl magic is amazing, I just want to see everybody win. If you've been a reader of Dymonds Diary you would know every week I select new Slays of The Week. Something new that I want to implement this year is video interviews rather than all written interviews. So with this interview, I teamed up with an amazing Philly photographer, Ashley! She is also a girl boss who has been doing photography and videography for over eight years. If you're in the Philly area you should for sure book with her, she always has specials going on. Go follow her on Instagram @ashleydnearah tell her I sent you. 
One thing that stood out to me while talking to Taysha was how she used her move to Philly. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery for your dreams and future to begin. For example, if I wouldn't have moved to Atlanta I doubt I would've developed my blog this young. Change of scenery doesn't have to always be a big move from city to city or state to state. It can sometimes be a change of scenery with friendships, relationships, or even just your mind. Sometimes in order to get to that dream you've been praying for or that change you've been wanting takes a change of scenery. For Taysha her six months in Philly have changed her life.

"Ever since I made that decision, my life has changed drastically. Becoming a professional makeup artist, entrepreneur and “girl boss” has opened up more doors for me than I had ever imagined. Through the trials and tribulations, the most important message that I would like to share is that no matter how difficult it may be, never give up on your dreams," said Taysha. So if you find yourself stuck and in need of growth try a change of scenery. Never lose site of your dreams. Who would have thought that a 21 year old would be spending every day of her life doing what she loves and making a living doing it. With all this growth Taysha has already experienced, I had to ask her what were her goals for the new year. Here's what she had to say, "My goal is to reach out to young women and express to them that your dreams are attainable and show that through hard work, dedication, and passion ANYTHING is possible. Xoxo Taysha Chantel." I loved talking to her and my face came out so pretty. Whenever I'm in Philly again I know who I'll definitely be booking with. If you're looking for a Philly MUA look no further! Keep up all the great work girl, can't wait to see everything God has in store for you this year! New Paragraph
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