One good thing that has came out of this pandemic, has been the amount of companies that allowed their employees to work from home. One in every four Americans are currently working remotely. Even though some places are opening back up, I believe working remotely is here to stay for a lot of employers. Companies are now seeing that people are more productive being at home, then they were in offices. They are even more happier and have a better work-life balance. According to Apollo Technology, “A survey report conducted by Owl labs suggests remote workers are happier and stay in their jobs longer. They also found that workers who were working at home reported being happy 22% more than workers who always work in an onsite office environment. These remote workers reported having less stress, being more focused, and a better work-life balance. The remote workers also worked over 40 hours a week, 43% more compared to workers that never worked remotely.” With these statistics, it would behoove employers to keep their employees remote, or even hybrid. A lot of companies are splitting the work week between days at home and days in office. Plus, another benefit is that people are saving money on gas, which means employers could actually pay less.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or work for a company who has implemented remote working, working from home is not always easy. It’s honestly a good and a bad thing. You must have discipline in order to get anything done. As most of you know, I started a new position and my role allows me to work from home on some days. Initially, I thought it will be easy because I get to wake up and do whatever. I quickly learned, you must have systems and structure in order to really hold yourself accountable. Working from home means you can stop and watch your favorite show whenever you want. No one is looking over your shoulder to see if you’re really doing anything. With all that power, you have to be focused. I’ve been working from home for about two months and I think I have a great system to get things done. If you feel like you are struggling with working from home, here are five tips to kick you back into focus.
1. Have A Set Time And Designated Area. Whether you start at 8 AM or even noon, have a set time that you will begin your work day. Decide the night before, the time you want to start and where you will be working. Some days I like to work at my desk, other days I like to go to coffee shops. By knowing what time I want to start, I can plan to wake up early enough to get myself together and be at the designated area at that set time.
2. Create A To-Do List The Night Before. This is so important. I hate when I wake up and I don’t know what all I have to do. I like to look over my calendar and write down everything that needs to get done that day. I write down calls that need to be made, meetings I may have, and emails that need to be sent or responded to. Of course I review this list the morning of, but it’s something about being prepared the night before that sets me up for success.
3. Implement A CONSISTENT Morning Routine. My morning starts off with me reading my devotional and praying. I try to make my bed as soon as I get out of it. On the days that I go to the gym, I go first thing in the morning. Then, I shower and wash my face. Next, I make coffee and light my candle at my desk. Lastly, I take my vitamins as I water my flowers. Once I complete this routine, I sit at my desk, look at my to do list, and start my workday. According to The Very Well Mind, “The morning routine helps us set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. As we start each day fresh, we can better focus on what is in front of us, where to prioritize our time, and, ultimately, increase our productivity.”
4. Get Dressed (Yes Real Clothes, Not Pjs.) When you don’t have plans to leave the comfort of your own home, your normal routine to groom yourself easily falls to the wayside! When you look good, you ultimately feel good. Which makes you to be more productive. Getting dressed at the start of the morning, turns your brain on. Your mindset is switched from lounging to work.
5. Take Breaks When Necessary. It’s important to build breaks into your daily schedule. It’s not good to sit at a desk all day, without stepping away. I like to work in intervals of 30-90 minutes. Make sure that during your breaks, you stand up and stretch. Take a walk to a different room in your home. If the weather is nice, step outside for some fresh air. A change of scenery will clear your mind and get your blood flowing. When you come back after break, you will feel refreshed and recharged. Don’t underestimate the power of a 5 to 10 minute break.
These tips are good whether you have a traditional job, are a entrepreneur, or even if you're someone who just wants to be more productive at home.