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22 Lessons I Learned In 2022

dymond phillips • January 1, 2023

Another Year Has Come & Gone, But The Lessons Will Last Forever

Every year I say how fast time flies, but this year really flew by. Ever since Covid, I feel like the years have been getting shorter. We made it to the end of another year. I’m so blessed to say I survived 2022. This year was pretty comfortable for me. Although I had some challenges to overcome, overall, the year was good. If I had to title this year, I would say it was the year of Minimum Effort, But Maximum Living. I played it very small in 2022, and allowed myself to fall into complacency. If I’m being honest, God’s grace is what carried me through 2022, because it was not my effort.

Towards the end of 2022, I move the needle a bit by identifying the areas of my life that needed change. I got into therapy in 2022, plus I got consistent with the gym. Although I didn’t go as hard in other areas of my life, I’ll celebrate every win big or small that I endured in 2022. The last quarter of 2022 was truly an eye-opener for me. My prayer was that God revealed me to me. I wanted to see the every aspect of myself, even the parts I needed work in. I’m so excited for this new year. I know I’m going to go for the go in 2023. I will begin to dream BIG again in 2023. I will not allow my current circumstances to trap me into complacency. I know I talk about all the "bad'' things in 2022, but there was a lot of good too. I traveled a lot, both domestic and internationally, which I love. I showed up for the people in my life more than ever this year. I faced some of my  deepest fears in 2022. I even got a new car this year. 2022 was one for the books. Through it all, I’m happy to say I made it out on the other side. During my time of reflection, I thought about the many lessons I learned this year. I learned a lot this year, but I wanted to share 22 lessons with you. 

1. Drinking water does more for you than you think.  (Your skin, energy, and so much more)

2. Talk less, listen more. (Always remain a student you never know what you’ll learn and from who) 

3. Streaks will be broken, just don’t miss twice (when it comes to habits, and daily/weekly routines)

4. Move your body daily (whether that’s with exercising, or just walking) 

5. Put the phone down sometimes ,it’s so important to just be present 

6. Take daily vitamins, they are so good for you in the long run & give you a boost of energy 

7. Stillness is golden! Find time to be still and alone

8. Never feel bad for investing in clothes, when you look good, you feel good. (I'm not saying be a shopaholic)

9. Learn to release. (It is ok to let go of things and people. Everything has a season)

10. Don’t get caught up on the past. It is the past for a reason. Focus on where you’re going.

11. A clean space is key. (Being in a clean & organized environment makes you productive) 

12. It’s ok to outsource.( For example, I don't like grocery shopping. I invested in a grocery delivery service that helped me focus on other parts of my life.)

13. Get a solid routine. (Having a morning and night time routine set you up for success)

14. Check in with yourself often. (We intake so much from the world it’s important to stop & listen to your own voice)

15. Save money. It’s that simple. (Life is going to throw you unexpected curveballs. A savings account will come in handy.

16. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you. (Quality friends are so much more important than quantity. Be the friend you want to have, show up)

17. Eat breakfast. (Whether it's oatmeal, a granola bar, or a full platter. Make sure you take time for breakfast. It’ll set up your day.)

18. Ask for help. (Lean on the people around you when you need it. We weren't created to do everything on our own)

19. Give to others. (Whether that be to a homeless man, or paying it forward at the drive-through. Give often whenever God place it on your heart.)

20. Stop allowing other people to change your mind. (Stop being so impressionable by others. Focus on what you want)

21. You can not save everyone. (Plus everyone does not want to be saved)

22. Extend yourself, grace. (You're human and evolving every day. You don’t have to have everything figured out. Just keep trying)

I am so excited to enter into this new year. My space is clean and clutter free. I have set my intentions. I have journaled and prayed for God to continue to guide my steps in this next year. I’m letting go of all the worries and stress that I had in 2022. Everything I went through was to prepare me for this next chapter. Before you go wherever you’re going tonight, I pray that you take some time to sit still, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Reflect on this past year, the highs and the lows, and prepare yourself mentally and spiritually as we enter in 2023. This next year is going to be the same as last year, if you do not change internally. Be safe, and have a happy new year! I cannot wait to continue to grow and elevate with you 2023!

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